SV, Wilco, Tweedy, BRoxs, Neko Case, etc...

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SV, Wilco, Tweedy, BRoxs, Neko Case, etc...

Post by thatbeat »

Hey folks, quick little plug for a good cause.
I've collected some pretty cool items from some local, regional, and national music acts for an online auction to help get all of my students on a class trip to DC from Asheville this spring regardless of their financial situation.
When I put out the request, it was pretty amazing how many folks responded, the link to the music items can be found here ... rentPage=0
I'm posting here because there's a lot of "alt-country" items here, everyone from Son Volt, Wilco, Tweedy, Bottle Rockets, Neko Case, etc.. all donated something. Check it out and consider bidding knowing that will help public school 8th graders have an awesome educational experience this spring, thanks for the consideration.

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